Monday, October 17, 2011

Ice Cream in a Bag and Homemade Apple Chips!

What I'm going to post about today are two new things that I tried over the weekend.

The first thing is Ice Cream in a Bag! This is really tasty and only takes around 10 minutes!

This is what you're going to need!

1 Cup of half and half
2 Tablespoons of sugar
1/2 Teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 Cup of course salt
Ice cubes
1 Pint-sized plastic baggie
1 Gallon-size plastic baggie

So what you're going to do add the half and half, sugar and vanilla into the pint-sized baggie and mix it.

Next you're going to fill the gallon-sized baggie about half way with ice cubes and sprinkle the course salt on top of the ice cubes. Then place the pint-sized baggie into the gallon-sized baggie.

Now shake the bag until the mixture turns to a solid ice cream. This will take anywhere from 3-8 minutes.

Finally, take the pint-sized bag of ice cream out and rinse it to get all of the salt off the bag. Now open the bag and eat it!

This was really yummy! I think the next time I make it I'm going to put in some coconut extract or maybe some orange peel!

So the next thing I'm going to write about are apple chips! These are super simple and super yummy.

What You'll Need:
2 Apples (I used a red delicious and a honey crisp)
2 Tablespoons of sugar
1 Teaspoon of cinnamon (I used a little bit more because I love apples and cinnamon!)
Non-stick baking spray

First, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Then, mix the sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl.

Now, you're going to core the apples. If you've never done this before it might be a little bit difficult. I had never cored an apple before so here is what I did. First I cut off the bottom of the apple, then I cut around the core and pushed it out! That's it!

You are going to cut the apple into slices, the easiest way to do this is by using a mandolin. They need to be cut about 2 mm thick. This can also be done with a knife if you don't have a mandolin.

Place some parchment paper on a baking sheet, spray some of the non-stick spray onto the parchment paper. Now arrange the apple slices in a single layer. Once all of the apples are lined up sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon mixture on top of the apples.

Finally, bake in the oven for about 2 hours. My apples took a little bit longer, I had to bake mine for about 2 and a half hours. You really want to look for the apples crisping.

Now eat them! They are so yummy!! You're going to love them!

I hope you try these out at home for yourself because they are both really simple and really delicious!

Until Next Time!

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Ice Cream in a Bag and Homemade Apple Chips!

What I'm going to post about today are two new things that I tried over the weekend.

The first thing is Ice Cream in a Bag! This is really tasty and only takes around 10 minutes!

This is what you're going to need!

1 Cup of half and half
2 Tablespoons of sugar
1/2 Teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 Cup of course salt
Ice cubes
1 Pint-sized plastic baggie
1 Gallon-size plastic baggie

So what you're going to do add the half and half, sugar and vanilla into the pint-sized baggie and mix it.

Next you're going to fill the gallon-sized baggie about half way with ice cubes and sprinkle the course salt on top of the ice cubes. Then place the pint-sized baggie into the gallon-sized baggie.

Now shake the bag until the mixture turns to a solid ice cream. This will take anywhere from 3-8 minutes.

Finally, take the pint-sized bag of ice cream out and rinse it to get all of the salt off the bag. Now open the bag and eat it!

This was really yummy! I think the next time I make it I'm going to put in some coconut extract or maybe some orange peel!

So the next thing I'm going to write about are apple chips! These are super simple and super yummy.

What You'll Need:
2 Apples (I used a red delicious and a honey crisp)
2 Tablespoons of sugar
1 Teaspoon of cinnamon (I used a little bit more because I love apples and cinnamon!)
Non-stick baking spray

First, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Then, mix the sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl.

Now, you're going to core the apples. If you've never done this before it might be a little bit difficult. I had never cored an apple before so here is what I did. First I cut off the bottom of the apple, then I cut around the core and pushed it out! That's it!

You are going to cut the apple into slices, the easiest way to do this is by using a mandolin. They need to be cut about 2 mm thick. This can also be done with a knife if you don't have a mandolin.

Place some parchment paper on a baking sheet, spray some of the non-stick spray onto the parchment paper. Now arrange the apple slices in a single layer. Once all of the apples are lined up sprinkle the sugar and cinnamon mixture on top of the apples.

Finally, bake in the oven for about 2 hours. My apples took a little bit longer, I had to bake mine for about 2 and a half hours. You really want to look for the apples crisping.

Now eat them! They are so yummy!! You're going to love them!

I hope you try these out at home for yourself because they are both really simple and really delicious!

Until Next Time!

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